Announcing the 3rd Edition of Living Proof

Why a new edition and why now?

Well, since the first two editions in 2012 and 2015, a lot has happened—and is still happening—around the world to remind us how important personal stories are to creating positive change.

And in rocky sociopolitical times, the importance of personal stories is amplified.

Road-safety Advocate Jacob Smith

Road-safety Advocate Jacob Smith

Personal stories are central to discussions of today’s most critical issues: health, safety, systemic racism, gun violence, immigration, and sexual harassment and assault. Whether advocating for the environment or people’s rights, for ending homelessness or the opioid crisis, sharing our personal stories powerfully matters now more than ever. We need to tell them—and tell them well—to “fill the gap between what gets said in private and what gets debated in politics.”*

Rape-victims’ Rights Advocate Natasha Alexenko

Rape-victims’ Rights Advocate Natasha Alexenko

That’s why we felt it was time to update and expand Living Proof: to deepen our support of today’s advocates with more tools, more insights, more real-world examples and more resources.

Tobacco-free Kids Advocate Sachit Gali

Tobacco-free Kids Advocate Sachit Gali

Here’s what you’ll find in this new edition of Living Proof:

  • more than twice the number of stories from advocates who are working on a wide range of issues: from hoarding to road safety, sustainable farming to mental health, healthy diets to veterans’ rights, and more

Sustainable Agriculture Advocates Sarah Hargreaves & Drake Larsen

Sustainable Agriculture Advocates Sarah Hargreaves & Drake Larsen

  • new chapters on the science behind personal storytelling, empathy and persuasion

  • more models, examples and templates for your talks

  • updated chapters on media interviews and framing

  • tips on self-care, with valuable lessons from experienced advocates

  • and more

We’re delighted to share this newest edition with you and all the passionate individuals who believe, as do we, that one person’s story—by providing living proof—can truly make a difference.

Foster-youth and Disabilities Advocate Ricardo Rodriguez

Foster-youth and Disabilities Advocate Ricardo Rodriguez

Tim Cage and John Capecci

Tim Cage and John Capecci


Read a sample and order your copy.

*Aspen Baker, “How Stories of Personal Experience Help Drive Change”