In the preface to the 2019 edition of Living Proof, we wrote
“When one story becomes the story of many and momentum builds, positive change becomes inevitable.
But change is seldom swift. And when voices rise, the competition among stories can become fierce. Efforts to squelch or silence true stories of lived experience—or to devalue and dismiss them—become more fervent. As a result, the need for and importance of sharing our stories become even more critical.
Our stories will not always be valued, listened to, or believed. That doesn’t mean we stop telling our truths; quite the opposite.”
Just four years ago, we couldn’t imagine the current wave of vocal censorship and infringement on intellectual freedom and free speech. As always, however, book-banning isn't about books. It's about trying to erase peoples’ lived experiences.
“If large numbers of people believe in freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech, even if the law forbids it. But if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them.”
Silencing voices is the exact opposite of what we and our community are about. So, this Pride Month, we're celebrating the heroes who are at the forefront of the fight against censorship and we're continuing our own commitment to advocating for diverse voices—not only through our coaching work but through new programs we're launching and the promise we make as a social benefit corporation.
Why during Pride Month?
Because the majority of the books being banned are by LGBTQIA+ authors, authors of color and authors at the intersection of those identities.
So we ask you this Pride Month (and beyond!) to join us in defending the right of diverse stories to be read, heard and celebrated. Let's honor the fierce advocates who are fighting back against censorship—and join them!